Nick Cave is GOD webshrine | Short  Biography of Thee Cave Shrine | God's own Gallery | Votives and Venerations | Cave Communion at Cathedral Apollo |  Dark Thoughts For Mah Saviour | The TEN Commandments of CAVE | Poetry by Nick Cave | The Old Testament aka The Birthday Party R.I.P. | Love Songs Touched by the gentle hand of GOD | LORD have MERCY | Euchrid's Autopsy... | The Holy Church of Nick Cave and Latter Day Saints | The Murder Ballads in Picture Form | Gallery of Disciple's Shrine Votive's  

                                            Many are called....but FEW are the CHOSEN. 

                                            Deaf  Blind....... MUTE!!!                                              



It began when they took me from mah home,

And put me in DEAD Row....

Of which I am nearly wholly innocent you know,

And Ah'll say it again,


"I began to warm and chill,To objects and their fields,

A ragged cup,a twisted mop,The FACE of JESUS in mah soup,

Those sinister dinner deals,The meal trolley's wicked wheels,

A hooked bone rising from mah food,All things GOOD or UNGOOD"

"And The MERCY SEAT is waiting,And ah think mah head is burnin'

And in a way ah'm yearning,To be done with all this measuring of truth

An EYE for an EYE, A TOOTH  for a TOOTH,

And anyway ah told the truth, and ah'm NOT AFRAID TO D-I-E!!!"

"Interpret signs and catalogue,A blackened tooth a scarlet fog,

The walls are BAD, BLACK, BOTTOM kind,They are the sick breath at mah hind,

They are the sick breath at mah hind, they are the sick breath at mah hind,

They are the sick breath gatherin' at mah hind."

"Ah hear stories from the chamber,

How CHRIST was born into a manger,And like some ragged stranger,

D-I-E-D!!  upon the CROSS,

And might ah say,it seems SO fitting in it's way,

HE was a carpenter bah trade, Or at least that's WHAT AH'M TOLD!!"

"Mah  good  hand  tattooed  E-V-I-L,  across  it's  Brother's  FIST,

That FILTHY FIVE !! They did NOTHING! to challenge or RESIST.

In HEAVEN  His Throne is made of  GOLD  and the ARK of The TESTAMENT is stowed,

 A Throne from which Ah'm told,ALL history does unfold, DOWN here it's made of WOOD and WIRE,

And mah body is on FIRE, And  GOD is  NEVER FAR AWAY!!!!


Into The MERCY SEAT ah climb,Mah head is shaved,mah head is WIRED,

And like a MOTH that tries, To enter the bright EYE,Ah go shufflin' out of life,

Just to hide in D-E-A-T-H!! awhile,And anyway....   AH  N-E-V-E-R  LIED!!!!"

"Mah  KILL-HAND  is called  E-V-I-L !!!

Wears a wedding band that's  G-O-O-D!!!!,  'Tis a long-sufferin' shackle,

Collaring all that REBEL blood,  And The MERCY SEAT  is waiting,

And ah think mah head is burnin' And in a way ah'm yearnin'

To be done with all this measuring of TRUTH,  An  EYE for an EYE,

And a  TOOTH for a TOOTH,  And anyway ah told  THE TRUTH!!

And ah'm  NOT AFRAID TO D-I-E !!!!!!!!!!!"



Many thanks to MUTE for use of  the screen-caps  from "Mercy Seat" video taken from "The VIDEOS DVD" available on MUTE Records.  XX

More Info on MUTE  and "NCATBS"  Recordings please visit  their website at http://nickcaveandthebadseeds.com/

Okay ah gots to say this....ah DON'T LIKE the "official site" it's full of self congratulatery nonsense...unit shifters? You betcha!!!!! Stick with a disciple's site made outta LOVE and devotion....nothing else!!